Friday, which has just ended not long, boyfriend told me about the accident happened to his dad. Sigh. What a day. He told me that his dad was asleep early the previous night, and woke up unusually early that morning and then this thing happened. Wake up early for work also cannot.
It was 4am in the morning. Just near his house, he was off to work. His dad claimed that he was very attentive since he slept early last night. He stopped at red light, Go on when green light appeared. Just not far from the traffic light, a Taxi came by (beating the red light apparently) and crash onto his van. His dad lost control of the van and knocked against the pole at the traffic light. Injured his leg and was sent to the hospital. LUCKILY enough, his dad was able to be discharged on the day itself, but still suffer from leg injuries and hence, he is unable to walk normally. I hope he will have a speedy recovery.
The truth is still not yet out, currently waiting for evidence from the Taxi driver's video camera. We all know if it is true about what my boyfriend's dad had said, if the taxi driver claims that he didn't turn the cam on, or that the video cam is for show or whatever shit he will be giving. He had denied that he had cross the red light, and police are still investigating. Hope my boyfriend is able to sue that stupid shitty asshole taxi driver.
Oh, from picture given below, obviously the taxi driver didn't suffer and injury. Damn you. Hope karma is coming towards you.
No matter how I view these photos, it is definitely the taxi driver's fault. Though we do not know the speed of the taxi driver yet, but if he is able to do damage to a VAN, he wouldn't be driving that slow. As we all can see, the taxi banged the side of the van, not the other way round. Pictures as evidence. Taxi driver, what do you have in defence? Please do not give stupid excuses because we don't buy that.
Ps: I was telling my mum about this and she showed me pictures of what her friend took when she walked at the street of Bangkit Road. It was something supernatural, and really creeps people out. But then again, what is it going to do with this? -.-
Saturday, December 29
Wednesday, December 26
Merry Christmas
How do you guys celebrated your Christmas day? I celebrated with some of my colleagues and went to a church celebration!
On the 16th December, colleagues went to decorate Christmas tree at one of their houses! All items from Daiso as well as decorations from last year. LOL.It was fun, glittering, and we did it like in half an hour? Super duper fast.
Boss's daughter Esther! She was so energetic on that day!
So cute omg!
Christmas this year was really fun! Hope to enjoy it every year like this! Not to mention the amount of money we need to save and spent it all at the same time OMG.
Christmas we all celebrated, and now all of us are waiting for new year! Have a blessed Christmas and Phosphorous new year ahead!
Ps: Please click of the advertisement on the right side thank you!
On the 16th December, colleagues went to decorate Christmas tree at one of their houses! All items from Daiso as well as decorations from last year. LOL.It was fun, glittering, and we did it like in half an hour? Super duper fast.
Decorated together with this little cheeky girl, keeps running around the house and calling people to save her from behind the closed door. Cute!
My colleagues, boss and I celebrated on the 22nd of December! Look at those presents for exchange!
Boss's daughter Esther! She was so energetic on that day!
So cute omg!
I do not have pictures of the food, but I had one on the log cake. Hahaha! It was exactly the same as last year because we ordered from the same place Delifrence(or something like tt)!
And then after all the sumptuous meal, we slacked and trying to digest all the fatty food, we played iPhone 4s covers. This is our creation of Hello Stitch! So funny. We all laughed like mad.
The presents I got!
On the 23rd December, Boss invited all of us to his church for a Christmas celebration at Trinity. It was pretty entertaining, and the singers are great.
This is me after a long day.
Then on Christmas eve, boyfriend and I went to sing K @ TeoHeng with one of his friends and gf. Expensive leh. 20 per person for 6hours. LOL. Actually okay la hor. One hour 3 plus per person. Hmmm...
Christmas eve morning, had another present from our Boss at work! Pretty wrapping papers!
Happy happy me. So many presents! Oh did everyone opened their presents during boxing day? I guess most of us unwrapped them even before the day arrives just like I do! We were to open all the presents on the spot though. Hahahaha. That is wicked, so that we can see the facial expressions if we are really happy to receive the gift. LOL! Got motive one ah.
Christmas this year was really fun! Hope to enjoy it every year like this! Not to mention the amount of money we need to save and spent it all at the same time OMG.
Christmas we all celebrated, and now all of us are waiting for new year! Have a blessed Christmas and Phosphorous new year ahead!
Ps: Please click of the advertisement on the right side thank you!
Thursday, December 20
Scientists says 21.12.2012 will be the end of world!
That's tomorrow. Everybody knows that it will not happen, that's what we believe. But what if, just if, it really happened? What will you regret most not doing? And what you regretted whatever you'd done? I think everyone should've followed their hearts in whatever(anything legal) they do. If we keep on thinking that today is the last day to live, then we definitely will be doing something fulfilling everyday!! Right? If we keep on thinking to ourselves that there will always be tomorrow, which actually happens to most of the students about doing their homework, then we will never start doing it. If we were to follow NIKE and 'just do it', we regret nothing, lost nothing, and will be happy everyday.
If you, sad to say, just broke up with your bf/gf, then so be it. You will NOT die if that happens. Before even you're in a relationship, aren't you already alone? So it is basically going back to the start. Now you know that that particular someone isn't right for you, forget 'bout it and JUST MOVE ON. Say is better than done I know. Of course it is hard for anyone to forget the feeling of being in love, missing that someone or even felt alone, you just can't do anything. You can just make yourself occupied and mingle with other friends and stop thinking of the past how happy you both felt when you're together, where both of you'd been, what you guys did blah blah blah... Once you broke up, getting back together with the SAME person again, I think it's pretty pointless. It defeats the purpose of being a couple, if you can't even communicate well. If you started breaking up the first time, the second and third time never fails to follow. At the end, it never worked out. At least, that's what I really think. But not saying you can't get back together after breaking, if that's what you really want.
So, back to the question. What would you like to do, with anyone if you would like, before the world ends(if that ever happens)?
That's what I found in Wiki when I typed in 21/12/2012. Lol.
By the way, I saw this website, it is giving out Wreck it Ralph's movie tickets! LOL.
Just click HERE. And if you never played the video game Fix it Felix Jr, click HERE!
HAHAHAHAHA Enjoy playing!
That's tomorrow. Everybody knows that it will not happen, that's what we believe. But what if, just if, it really happened? What will you regret most not doing? And what you regretted whatever you'd done? I think everyone should've followed their hearts in whatever(anything legal) they do. If we keep on thinking that today is the last day to live, then we definitely will be doing something fulfilling everyday!! Right? If we keep on thinking to ourselves that there will always be tomorrow, which actually happens to most of the students about doing their homework, then we will never start doing it. If we were to follow NIKE and 'just do it', we regret nothing, lost nothing, and will be happy everyday.
If you, sad to say, just broke up with your bf/gf, then so be it. You will NOT die if that happens. Before even you're in a relationship, aren't you already alone? So it is basically going back to the start. Now you know that that particular someone isn't right for you, forget 'bout it and JUST MOVE ON. Say is better than done I know. Of course it is hard for anyone to forget the feeling of being in love, missing that someone or even felt alone, you just can't do anything. You can just make yourself occupied and mingle with other friends and stop thinking of the past how happy you both felt when you're together, where both of you'd been, what you guys did blah blah blah... Once you broke up, getting back together with the SAME person again, I think it's pretty pointless. It defeats the purpose of being a couple, if you can't even communicate well. If you started breaking up the first time, the second and third time never fails to follow. At the end, it never worked out. At least, that's what I really think. But not saying you can't get back together after breaking, if that's what you really want.
So, back to the question. What would you like to do, with anyone if you would like, before the world ends(if that ever happens)?
That's what I found in Wiki when I typed in 21/12/2012. Lol.
Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.
Answer (A):The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.
A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.
A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.
A: Absolutely not. Neither NASA nor any other scientific organization is predicting such a blackout. The false reports on this issue claim that some sort of "alignment of the Universe" will cause a blackout. There is no such alignment (see next question). Some versions of this rumor cite an emergency preparedness message from NASA Administrator Charles Bolden. This is simply a message encouraging people to be prepared for emergencies, recorded as part of a wider government preparedness campaign. It never mentions a blackout.
Q: Could planets align in a way that impacts Earth?
A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. One major alignment occurred in 1962, for example, and two others happened during 1982 and 2000. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.
Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?
A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles
Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the Earth's crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?
A: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-switch to fool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. Scientists believe a magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia.
Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?
A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day on the NASA Near-Earth Object Program Office website, so you can see for yourself that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.
.A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.
By the way, I saw this website, it is giving out Wreck it Ralph's movie tickets! LOL.
Just click HERE. And if you never played the video game Fix it Felix Jr, click HERE!
HAHAHAHAHA Enjoy playing!
Wednesday, December 19
Wreck It Ralph Movie Screening
I went for the movie screening of Wreck It Ralph at Great World City, by lovely Nuffnang! Thank you so very much for the pair of free tickets! This is somewhat my first free movie(from someone else other than my boyfriend la) tickets and it is free seating! First time I ever see the word free seating on the movie tickets! LOL. Kinda dumb I know. LOL!!! But those who, like me, very suagu one, doesn't know how it looks like, it is simply like a normal GV movie ticket. HA!
End of the day, many thanks to Nuffnang to again, hold this wonderful event and allowing us(me and boyfriend) to watch for free! Yeay!!
Omg my eye is still swollen. :(
I actually thought the movie theatre was those very 'lok kok' kind cause the exterior isn't so fascinating, some more is like nobody goes to one. I was wrong! It was pretty big inside and the screen was ultra gigantic! And there was even a lower level(no seats there, just merely a big hole) between the screen and the first row of seats. I feel like I was actually going to watch a theater show lo.
Okay so the movie started after some advertisement. Wow I love all of the advertisements being showed!!! Iron man, Monster's Inc university, some other animation in 3D, as well as I don't know a comercial? Done amazingly well! It doesn't have any dialogues and it was I think 2D animation? Anyway, it was really really cool. Alright alright, so now for the movie itself, I LOVE IT. Compare to Rise of the Guardians, I think both are equally good! Both the movies actually made people cry! An animation makes people cry? HELL YES! In the first place before I watch the movie, I thought they would have shown more of Sonic, Pacman, etc etc, but the story was mainly focused on two video games. Others did mention in the movie, but just a few minutes of it. Wanna know which two video games? Then watch the movie!
I give the movie 3.8/5 stars, since I prefer Sonic to come out more often. LOL. Nevertheless, the show was great! Full of heart warming scenes and of course, heart breaking scenes. You will go 'Awww', then sniff sniff, and starts to smile out of nowhere. HAHA! At least that's what happened to me! The character is super adorable! Shall not be a spoiler! Rest is up to you to watch!
Will bad guys always be bad? Will they change to the good? Good bad guy or a bad bad guy? Is bad good and is good really that good? YOU DECIDE! :)
Back to my boring day...
Just before the movie starts, boyfriend and I had our dinner, and grabbed some dessert to eat. This yogurt shop uses real fruits to blend in with the yogurt itself! And tadah! This is what we ate! Pretty cool huh. The taste of fresh fruits mixed with vanilla flavoured yogurt. How nice.
And then we saw cupcake stall! All those yummy creams... Red velvet flavoured... YUM YUM!
Doesn't this makes you feel like having white Christmas?
And all the different colour cupcakes! Awesome.
End of the day, many thanks to Nuffnang to again, hold this wonderful event and allowing us(me and boyfriend) to watch for free! Yeay!!
Thank you too, Golden Village at Great World City! Indeed, you're really great. :)
Omg my eye is still swollen. :(
December movie,
golden village,
wreck-it ralph,
Monday, December 17
Create You Style with Swarovski Elements
When I received a call from Amanda(from Nuffnang), I was in the school, during break(just nice) and she told me that I get to go to the workshop and able to meet XiaXue personally! I was like: Woa so lucky one meh? Nobody signed up meh?. Then my replied was.. Oh okay, thanks. HAHA! Chua sai ok! So I went back to lesson like nothing happen when I was super shocked and excited!
Able to create own jewelry and of course meeting famous people isn't what you can do everyday, maybe if you are working in mediacorp la(which I was thinking if I should try). So I gave myself a chance to go there and interact with other bloggers. I'm not those who start the conversation but will try to get it going if it ever starts. So ya, why not give it a try...
Why would I sign up for it? Because I love doing D.I.Y. things like jewelry and keychains. Many can be done with Swarovski Elements!
Sorry for the poor quality photos, but these are some accessories that I've done using swarovski beads! I love their beads!

Oh by the way, I heard from other girls that they picked us from a list of ... 100 other participants? Not very confirmed about the amount, but if it's true, I think I'm really fortunate/lucky. Yes I am.
My portion of food. It looks pretty little, but I almost couldn't finish it! They do provide drinks too, of course, and there was brownie-like cake after we were done with the big plate.
Before we exit the cafe, we were all given a goodie bag! YEAY! What best is that THIS was included.
Able to create own jewelry and of course meeting famous people isn't what you can do everyday, maybe if you are working in mediacorp la(which I was thinking if I should try). So I gave myself a chance to go there and interact with other bloggers. I'm not those who start the conversation but will try to get it going if it ever starts. So ya, why not give it a try...
Why would I sign up for it? Because I love doing D.I.Y. things like jewelry and keychains. Many can be done with Swarovski Elements!
Sorry for the poor quality photos, but these are some accessories that I've done using swarovski beads! I love their beads!
This is a heart shaped key-chain. Previously I've made a red one.
And a ring I made using their beads as well. It turns out great! Tried and fit nicely to my fingers! If you're afraid that it can't fit, you can actually measure the ring to your finger before you actually tie a dead knot at the end so you could adjust (to add or minus any beads) accordingly. This was actually a gift for my colleague. It wasn't things that will give you a big WOW and such, but everything starts with something small isn't it?
Then this is the final product that was done at the workshop. Poor pictures, again I apologized. Pictures are raw and with poor lighting. Lol.

The crystals are all so shiny, bling and pretty! There were limited items to choose from but since it was free, use what you are given will do. There was a piece of tutorial on the table and some or maybe most(i don't know) just followed it. And the end product were all pretty similar. Some of them were really creative and created their style of jewelry in the given time. The necklace was started from scratch. Really, I mean, scratch. When you only have a very long piece of metal, pins such as headpins and I forgot. Then we have to twist and turn and open and close to make all those chains connect with each other. Sounds really fun and cool right? But for first timers I guess it was rather tricky, especially if you have clumsy and fat fingers(oops). You will however get the hang of it if you keep doing the same thing over and over. Practice makes perfect right...
The event was held at...
It really kills me to find this place! I was walking towards the direction of map on my android and it lead me to another place at first. Crap. And then I was even later than late. Gosh. So paiseh when I walked in with a retarded face.
The celebrity of the day came and gave a small talk about her first time doing the DIY necklace. Pretty in all angles, as usual.
Oh by the way, I heard from other girls that they picked us from a list of ... 100 other participants? Not very confirmed about the amount, but if it's true, I think I'm really fortunate/lucky. Yes I am.
Everybody attentively listening and taking pictures.
These were the given colours of butterflies.
Halfway through the tutorial. Their materials were given in an exact amount, so if you needed more, ask please. If not, stick to the tutorial. :)
Look at all those pretty beads. I swear the smiley was already formed on its own. Not on purpose.
And then I made new friends. :))
Tadah! It was pretty easy and I probably will keep making such DIY items. Love it so much!
Well,, It was a 4 hours session (11am to 3pm, and really really sorry that I was late.) and I thought they will be teaching us THROUGHOUT the 4 hours but NO, There was lunch provided! WOW seriously. Look how sumptuous the food was!
HAHAHA! It was repeated la the food, hence it seems like there's a lot of different choices. Nevertheless, the meal was really great and sure is filling. (cause they are rice)
So after satisfying our hungry tummies, I went to walk around looking at the displays. The displays were gorgeous and absolutely stunning!
I personally love the rings! I'm not sure if you figure out which one is the ring, it is the one on the right of the picture above. Black colour metal net was the ring with flowers decorated on it. Pretty!!
These were suppose to be more bling la. But sadly the photo isn't so.
Congrats to the creative winners that won the prizes! They were great!
Finally getting the chance to take a quick photo with Xiaxue. She is REALLY FAIR! Complexion is good and she still looked slim even with her baby bump. It's true. I think I just destroyed the photo. As usual, I looked fat and ugly without any make up. That day is a bad start for me due to a PIMPLE(damn you pimple) that choose to hide under my eyelid, hence the swelled left eye. I have bad hair day everyday and I love and used to wear t-shirt to everywhere I go, yes everywhere, like even Orchard Road or Bugis. Ya I very lazy to put on anything nice and you can say I no money also la. My skin looks pretty good here though. HAHAHAH! wtf.
Before we exit the cafe, we were all given a goodie bag! YEAY! What best is that THIS was included.
I'm glad I went.
End of the day, we got to take another picture with XIAXUE!!! Again my bubbly face is up there, the others were quick with their actions and took one pair of glasses. Great girls. Her hello kitty baby bump is rather cute. Wonder if she will be more hyperactive if the event is held before she got pregnant. Still, an amazing workshop Nuffnang had held, and really thanks to the team for such an event, hopefully I'm lucky enough to attend another such events.
Back to normal human life...
After the event which ended promptly at 3pm, met up with boyfriend to walk around, but it started to drizzle oh damn. Luckily I've always brought an umbrella, especially with this kind of rainy season EVERY SINGLE DAY. Crap or not. Hot, humid, sometimes sunny, then it suddenly rains!
Ok. My boyfriend wanted to bring me to book my hair appointment, but he thought it was at Raffles City, but it was at Raffles hotel. Zzzz!! Then we decided to just walk over since it is near. IT WAS RAINING SO HEAVILY! We just stayed on and tour the shopping area, till at least the rain turns smaller.
We walk to a lot of shops, and when we reached the top, guess what we saw?
LEGOS! There was some show over there but it wasn't on at that time, we just looked around the legos. We love legos! I have a few at home already, but then I couldn't find the rest of it!! Guess they won't be selling what I wanted anymore. :((
And then we saw this...
It is 100% made up of LEGOS! I didn't think lego is THAT strong to even hold your body weight. I was wrong!
Here's the proof! I actually really sat on it and luckily it didn't break apart. Well, it didn't move one bit! I'm not that skinny to start with. If you think holding my weight is not enough, my boyfriend sat on it as well! I mean just him alone, but then hey, guys are heavy leh. Some more he's bigger than me in size leh.
We thought it was just one that we saw, hell no. There were three!!
I happily tried on all three too!
Power LEGOs.
After some fun, dinner time...
We walked around looking at places to dine in, most of the places are full of people queuing and reserved like Buffet Town. Then we came upon this restaurant that says it is healthy. Take a look at the menu, it even provide us with the calories of the individual soup! The pictures look tasty as well, so we just went in. It wasn't full and it looks like not very nice to eat in. It is healthy and pictures looks okay leh, why not try it. Ordered the couple set for only $21.90! Pretty cheap leh! It comes with two choices of soups(quite big of a bowl), two bowl of rice(small but very filling after you mixed with the side dishes and the soups), one vege one meat and a small bowl of dessert! The dessert taste rather good(like honey agar agar with longans).
The choices of soups are a lot, and we'd chosen black chicken soup and another one I forgot, but it contains carrot, potatoes, beef and etc... BOTH TASTES REALLY GOOD.
Side dishes were superb! The meat was slightly spicy, still able to take it. The vege is omg de nice! I am some one who doesn't like eating vegetables, but this time, I keep asking my boyfriend to pass me more vege. See how nice!
The small bowl of dessert. I ate a bite of it la. It is good.
Definitely recommend this restaurant. Not sure if everybody has the same taste, but this is more of a home-like dish compare to those pasta, pizza, high-class food that kind. This is cheap, tasty, and feel like you're eating home-cooked food! To make myself clear, I don't mean they cook like those anyhow cook at home one, what I mean is the feel la the feeeeeeelllll..... Heart warming kind. Get it? Good.
Done with dinner, off to Raffles Hotel to book hair appointment.
Their decorations were OMG so pretty! Of course right Raffles Hotel leh!!
Christmas Tree! XX
Then there was a wedding held there that day. Rich max.
I really love their staircase!
Last but not least, my bunny!
Christmas tree,
create your style,
Raffles Hotel,
Swarovski Elements,
Talent Cafe,
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