Friday, December 14

Little Bunny Time

Have you ever walked pass a pet shop and through those windows, you saw many cute little bunnies hoping and sleeping? They seem cute, I know. When they were so tiny, fluffy and adorable! My boyfriend and I chanced upon the pet shop and saw this cute little bunny and it started licking my boyfriend's hand everywhere. First thing that came to your mind sure is 'ehhh so cute!', and next thing you know, it's on your way to your house!

At night, the little bunny reached my house! Fully equipped with cage, food and also the bedding(those things that absorbed small little animals' urine and makes it smells nice). It cost A LOT.

So, I let it put near the door(since there's the only place that is not occupied. Yes my house is like a garanguni house.) so it can catch some nice air. And look how cute he was!!!

Rabbits have big feet for them to jump around and stand on two feet.

He was young, and all he can do to lie down is to act like a ballerina. SO CUTE!

His round head with fluffy ears.

Looks like a rag doll. He used to be nice and let us carry him. Now... gone case.

A silver plate is for him to rest(as his hands were small, he keeps poking through the holes of the cage and squishes his own shit) and to cool him down.

This is what we call 'mian bi si guo' in mandarin, which means face the wall and reflect upon your mistakes. LOL! Now can you say that he's not cute?

After few months, he became giant, aggressive, playful, but still, adorable la. He jumps up high when he's happy running around the house, and he will bite and bite the cage to ask someone to let him out. hahaha! I didn't torture him ok. I do let him out to jump once in a while. Time to get him a bigger cage since he'd grown so much. Still finding on a cheap cage.
If anybody finds or wants to sell his/her bunny cage/chinchilla cage, tell me ok! Second-hand is fine if it's well maintained. Damn, now I couldn't even catch him with my two hands when he runs. Tsk.

ps: He makes noises now and then to get attention. Pretty much an attention seeker.

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